Title: The Night Circus
Author: Erin Morgernstern
Part of a series? No, unfortunately:(
Synopsis: The Circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it...It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.
Rating: A million ★ out of five.
Oh. My. Goodness. This book was just..incredible. Everything was beautiful: the cover, the insides of the cover, and the writing. Every passage flowed wonderfully for me; every description was clear and the characters were so individual. This book has now become one of my all-time favourites, something I was not expecting!
*The rest of this review will contain spoilers, so read on at your own risk!*
Ok, so. Where to start? I've literally just finished the book about an hour ago, and I want to read it again. This is one of the first books that I've genuinely felt sad about finishing! This is also the first time I've used sticky notes to mark my favourite passages. Some of my most loved parts are the ballroom scene when Marco kissed Celia, when he made the book-ship-thing (all of the magical aspects really), and this:
"Do you remember all of your audiences?" Marco asks.
"Not all of them," Celia says. "But I remember the people who look at me the way you do."
"What way might that be?"
"As though they cannot decide if they are afraid of me or they want to kiss me."
"I am not afraid of you," Marco says.
*Cue loud fangirling*
The characters in The Nigt Circus were well-developed, my favourites being Marco, Poppet, and Bailey. I seriously loved Bailey and his kind-of-almost-possibly-more-than-a-friendship with Poppet. Marco and Celia's relationship was gorgeous, although I was worried for a minute that one was just pretending so they could win the game.
Speaking (well, typing) of the game, I never predicted that Tsukiko would be the winner of the previous game. The ending of the book was as strong and mysterious as the beginning, and I loved how there were the small passages of second person scattered throughout the book. Combined with the detailed descriptions of all of the amazing exhibits really brought the circus to life. The magical elements of the book were very interesting as well.
One thing that didn't bother me but I did think of after reading this was that I was never 100% sure of the age of the characters after the second or third part. There was one point where Celia said something about he game having gone on for almost thirty years which made me go, "Has it?" However, I think that added to the mystery and atmosphere of the book and worked with the fact that no one in the circus seemed to age.
The Night Circus is definitely worth a read (and a reread, and a rereread...) and I am so glad I have read it! Let me know what you thought of it in the comments. I'd love to hear you opinions!(: