Friday, 27 November 2015

An Apology & Life Updates

In case you haven’t noticed, I haven’t posted on this blog in a while…quite a while, in fact. And I am very very sorry! I could give out some excuses (school is time-consuming, I’m tired six days out of seven etc.) but it’s mainly because I was too lazy to update. I haven’t actually read a book in at least a week either! But this will hopefully change. I’m going to try and post once a week in December – we all know that probably won’t happen, but I can dream – and, failing that, at least a bit more regularly than before.

To make up for my lack of posts, here are some life updates:


-          I have almost finished Hamlet, some required reading I have to do – and should have done a few weeks ago – but apart from that November has not been the best reading month for me! So far I’ve got through The Accident Season and The Young Elites, as well as 70 pages of Winter, but I’m trying not to put any pressure on myself. Everyone goes through reading slumps, and I think it always makes things worse if you force yourself to read something.


-          While not being a participant of NaNoWriMo this year, I have made quite a bit of progress with my current story! A couple of days ago I passed 20,000 words, and so far I’m liking how it’s turning out. Generally I start stories and never finish them, but I’m hoping this won’t be the case this time, as I’m finally starting to get into the first draft mentality that nothing will be perfect the first time around! I’ve struggled with this before, but now I’m trying to just go with it. (However, my notes are a mess and I've introduced a new character, so that’s an issue…ah well!).

TV Shows:

-          Recently there have been so many TV shows I have wanted to watch! I’m currently watching Scream Queens and absolutely LOVE it, and then I’m catching up on Teen Wolf. At the moment I’m only on series one but it is amazing, and Lydia and Stiles are brilliant! (I’m writing this will watching a pretty tense episode actually!). I want to catch up on Faking It too before the year is over, and I would love to marathon The Man In The High Castle because it sounds so interesting.
I hope this post marks the start of a more regular posting schedule! Also, what do you think of the style of this post? Are there any readers who like Teen Wolf or Scream Queens?

Thanks for reading(: